One of the largest machine factories in the Ural Region of Russia.

The plant makes construction and road equipment. Today the core business of ChSDM is the brand-new wheel loader series.

The plant has consolidated all main production processes: blanking, machining, heat treatment, welding, painting and assembly.

In co-operation with a team of international experts, the assembly underwent a full-scale rehabilitation that promoted roll-out of advanced production technologies. In 2018 the plant went through another stage of revamping ChSDM upgraded its processing center for production of cogwheels and launched new test benches for transmissions and axles..

One of the flagship products of ChSDM is the heavy motor grader DZ98 which is the heaviest Russian motor grader today. After a series of upgrades the DZ98 enjoys a stable demand with contractors who manage large-scale road construction projects. Today, the plant has launched a program of repair (of any level of difficulty) of the old machines.

All products are ISO 9001 and GOST R 9001-2001 certified.

During the WWII the plant manufactured the famous multiple rocket launcher BM-13 Katyusha. In the post-war years the plant launched large-scale production of construction & road equipment, crawler bulldozers, motor graders and scrapers.

More than 346,000 units of equipment made.

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